Why so many JL Audio Fathom subs for sale I wonder
Just mulling some thoughts around about JL Audio subwoofers. Been thinking of adding one, maybe 2 to my system. They are awesome subs and come highly reviewed in the Absolute Sound, and Stereophile. Recommended components, powerful as hell, accurate, flexible...all very positive attributes. I have a few friends that own F112's, F113's. So why do so many of them show up for sale here on A-gon? I'de like to get some input from A-gon members as to why that might be? Seems baffling that something so highly regarded and affordable ends up for sale so often. Thoughts anyone?
Because JL Audio subwoofers were selling like hot cakes a couple of years ago and like most things in audio it is time for a change. I almost bought a JL subwoofer myself, but it didn't offer the type of connection I wanted, so I bought a REL instead.
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