It is very simple; when you want to know the real quality of a loudspeaker you need to use the same parameters over and over agian.
In tests they show us different measurements. These measurements does not say anything about the real sound, stage, individual focus, diversity in sound, heights of instruments and voices.
Audio is about the real quality, it is not about sales. Bose spends the most money on advertisement of all brands. Does this say anything about the real quality? No it does not.
These days money and commercial impact have a big influence on how many of audio products are sold. At the end it does not garantee you anything.
We agreed that these days many reviews are paid. So do these reviews say anthing about the real quality? It does not.
The question is what is the real quality of a product?
The way of how audio is being sold and promoted has little to do with honesty and realism. Audio is a decreasing market. The way they work, the market is getting smaller each year.
When you want to change this, there is only one solution. Giving people more qualtiy for the money they spend. This is the only way to get more people interested in audio.