The computers are good.
I was Steve jobs big fan. I dont like the other stuff they made however
I was Steve jobs big fan. I dont like the other stuff they made however
Why so much love for Mcintosh?
One is $45,000 one is $9000…. One measures real bad and one real good… One gets universal praise on audiogon and one gets bashed…. Really makes you wonder. This video is interesting. I have heard both McIntosh and D’Agostino on wilson Alexia’s and thought the D’Agostinos were a little hard and cold. Similar to the benchmark sound for $3,000. However I find the benchmark to have a small soundstage in general. Buy what makes you happy. Another perspective. I own a McIntosh MC462 amp (and a number of others too). The McIntosh does not stand out at doing anything the best but it is the one currently in my system and I don’t see if going anywhere. It plays crazy loud and never sounds edgy like some other brands. Pushed to insane levels it is just louder with no sign of compassion. It sounds the same very quiet too. Probably a testament to the speakers as well. |
I have owned a lot of different manufacturers equipment over the years: Audio Research, Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland, Bedini, Krell, Conrad Johnson, Janis, Naim to name a few. All have given me great listening experiences. I currently use a McIntosh C1100 pre and a pair of MC611 monos. They are as good as anything I have ever had and they give me all the necessary clues to make music sound real and more importantly enjoyable in my home. Also the company has been around for a long time and though ownership has changed continues to thrive and provide service and parts unlike other high end companies that come and go. Are there better more esoteric offerings? Probably, but at what cost and inconvenience? |