Don't you have a farcebook account, or one at Parlor or some other hole in the wall chatroom where you can have all the morons in the world to agree with you?
You have all the bearing and maturity of a spoiled 12 year old child. I wonder when you're going to snap and pull a Andrew Joseph Stack stunt and fly your turboprop into the local Planned Parenthood office nearest you. Or maybe, like your hero, another IRS office. Or better yet, you can buzz the border and pretend to strafe all the immigrants on the other side.
All the best,
Don't you have a farcebook account, or one at Parlor or some other hole in the wall chatroom where you can have all the morons in the world to agree with you?
You have all the bearing and maturity of a spoiled 12 year old child. I wonder when you're going to snap and pull a Andrew Joseph Stack stunt and fly your turboprop into the local Planned Parenthood office nearest you. Or maybe, like your hero, another IRS office. Or better yet, you can buzz the border and pretend to strafe all the immigrants on the other side.
All the best,