Why the fascination with subwoofers?

I have noticed many posts with questions about adding subwoofers to an audio system. Why the fascination with subwoofers? I guess I understand why any audiophile would want to hear more tight bass in their audio system, but why add a subwoofer to an existing audio system when they don’t always perform well, are costly, and are difficult to integrate with the many varied speakers offered. Additionally, why wouldn’t any audiophile first choose a speaker with a well designed bass driver designed, engineered and BUILT INTO that same cabinet? If anyone’s speakers were not giving enough tight bass, why wouldn’t that person sell those speakers and buy a pair that does have tight bass?
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I own the non-CT Treos, and have 2 2wq subs. I am very happy with the combo. So much so, I will probably get the new Sub 3's when I sell the 2w's.
If it were me, first I would ask Johnny.
Barring that, I would think getting 2 Sub 3's with the Treo's might possibly be a smidge better than the Quatro's(as you can distribute the bass within the room)- Only if you have limited room/placement options-which is my problem.
The Treo's are a tad smaller than the Quatro's and I can place them easier in my cluttered LR/DR.
As far as amps go, the Pass should be a nice match. I have no experience with AR.
One thing I would offer is that Vandy's like zero feedback amps.
I use Ayre and Atma-Sphere.
@yogiboy ,
Vandies don't 'need' subs, but having them really fleshes things out, subtle but noticeable. Quatro's have built in subs with equalizer.
If you can hear the sub, then it's too loud.  A good friend of mine always has his up a bit, and he complains that he cannot hear mine.... but you sure miss it if I turn it OFF.  In my studio I run stereo 15" subs... they make great monitor stands, but they do not call attention to themselves unless the music demands.   
Hello hifidream,

     Congratulations on creating your own custom distributed bass array system for your Magnepan20.1 speakers.  I know the 20.1s have very good bass performance in stock form with 2 large planar-magnetic bass panels in each speaker that all output down to 25 Hz.  Not full extension to 20 Hz like many good subs but close and very respectable.
     Counting each pair of bass panels as a sub,  I would suggest you're actually using a total of 6 subs in your room/system.  While 2 aren't outputting bass that's fully extended, they're both outputting the exceptionally fast, articulate and smooth bass provided by planar-magnetic panels down to a deep bass level of 25 Hz.  

      Since we've both experienced the amazing seamless integration with even fast planar-magnetic panel speakers (whether mid-level models like mine or top of the line models like yours) and the high quality bass produced using  4-sub dba systems, I think it's safe to assume you'd agree that the dba concept works exceptionally well.


     I forgot to ask a few questions about your custom dba system in my previous post.  I hope you don't mind, I'm just curious about a few things:

1. What brand and model were the initial 2 subs you added to your system?
2. What brand and model were the last 2 subs you added to your system?
3. Do you operate your 20.1s full-range or limit their bass output?
4. What upper cutoff frequency are your subs set at?
