I don't do the EE' thing. I leave that to the EE's who do design and build my Tube Equipment.
I own Tube Pre Amp - Phonostage - DAC - Power Amp, of which all are Bespoke Design Commission Builds from a selection of EE's who have Valves as their Electronics of Interest. For the record, I also know a selection of EE's that live and breathe SS Circuitry and who would not express and interest in a Valve Design.
In relations to Phon's the Best Phon's heard is from my Assessment is designs produced by the Tube EE's I know. In the same area, the best SS Phon' from my assessment that has been heard, is produced by a known EE who does not get stimulation from Valves. I choose Phon's as a description as I have heard over the Years, phon's at Bake Off's that can have a collective value to well over £100K, with £10K commercial phon's being present for comparisons.
In relation to Tube Rectification on a Power Supply, the design does have the capability to influence the end sound. Again on the Phon' I own, O have heard it used with a few different Power Supply Designs and each did effect the end sound. The other 'Valvuable'
thing about a Tube used for the Rectification, is that the Tube can be Tube Rolled. A very good end sound / options for an end sound, can be discovered as a result of experiencing a range of tubes as part of the process for making a tube selection.
This type of interaction with a Circuit where EE skill levels can be low in relation to typical EE concerns, is where Tubes and Tube Rolling is a winner. If an inexperienced with EE requirements Individual is OK with the cost to be incurred as a result of choosing to Tube Roll, that individual can make discoveries about end sound that is available with ease. Such an experience is not as easy to reproduce with SS Circuits.
In relation to tweaking with SS Circuits, I have the Option on the Tube DAC to exchange a Filter CHIP, which has a multi pin connection to the Circuits soldered base for the CHIP to plug in to.
The EE Designer has supplied a selection of CHIP's that have obvious evidence of having been modified, I suppose to meet the end sound that the EE is wanting, their own Signature in the CHIP to produce sound and not that of the Manufacturer.
Exchanges of these CHIP's for somebody with my experience is precarious and much much more difficult than swapping out a Tube. Concern for damaging very fragile pins where having a visual observation is very limited, does justify the concerns, Hence, CHIP Filter changes that are readily at hand are not a common experience.