Will budget Schiit Modi3 help?

As retiree with limited experience w/ digital and a very small budget I need your help.
Will the new Schiit Modi3 improve the sound from my 3 year old Yamaha BD-S677 BluRay player, as well as the digital output from my Sony HDTV (currently using FiiO Dac3 mini-dac for tv because no analogue output)?
Thank you,
Might get a more "analog sound" with the multi-bit version. I would save up a few more clams for that one if possible.
The Modi3 sells for $99, the multi-bit version for $249. Quite a substantial % increase. Not to say it isn't worth it, that would depend on intended use and funds available. 
The Modi 3 multibit is discontinued and no longer on their website. You have to step up to the Bifrost multibit at $599 to get multibit from Schiit.
Mesch, I would most definitely try the BD player using digital output to dac and compare to analogue out of player for bothe cds and bds.