I believe you and this video without having any doubts about that...
My points were not about mass market products and actual difficulties of the chinese system...
I know that.. I think as you...
My point is about the genius behind chinese culture creativity which is not known here and then all that is good is bashed...
it is evident that a great % of mass market products are garbage from China..
my point is chinese engineers are not all garbage in history and even today... Look at Taiwan ...
This discussion began by saying that chinese audio is all bad and chinese only stole technology... It was not true in history... Today the coming back from British destruction of china for two centuries with drugs is remarkable... When i was young i gave money for the china millions of people dying with hunger... Now Shangai is a modern metropolis.. But the CCP so good it was for giving food on the table because everyone throw their manufacturing there without a back thought is a totalitarian regime and thats had an impact on economy FLUIDITY and freedom to improve too...
All that everyone knows...
But here few people knows that China was TOP of the world engineering for 2 millenias at least ... That was my point ... ad it is easy to prove it reading books...
Did you watch the video? It simply demonstrates how quality control is a distant second to appearing modern and progressive.
China is a total mess. Their system is rotten top to bottom. I agree that the US has serious issues, but China is smoke and mirrors.
I own a Holo May DAC KTE and it is a very good DAC, but Hong Kong and the South of China have changed and it doesn’t bode well for the future.