Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?

Will my Creek 5350SE drive a pair of magnepan 1.6QRs? Room size is 25*12. If not could you recommend an amp for around $800-1000 to drive the maggies.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
My first pre-amp 35 years ago was a solid state turd from Crown..I bought it because the distortion rating was .00000001.. that was 35 years ago..Now I listen.. to make up my own mind. Natural transparency and phase coherency are what make it right for me.. Not that solid state is bad, its just back then.. it was.Tom
I am with Warren on this one, you can only beat a dead horse for so long- another time :) I am glad some others see BS that I thought was flowing in our direction.

Sorry for pirating your thread Mwthorne, it was not my intent but you have to have credible posts or the contents are worthless.
As I read posts I take out what I want of what I am interested in, or of what I think may be of benfit or useful, and ignore what I do not understand, or particulary like. Of course with no animosity, hostility, or condemnation.

Like picking berries: I do not rage against the ones I reject, intentionally or otherwise.

If I did, I could not rationally expect anyone who observed such behavior to take seriously what I say. Nor consider any advise I might offer. About anything.

Such a person must either grossly overestimate their value, and/or likewise underestimate the value of the one they so treat.

So, in my opinion, anyone who would take it, must also need treatment. And I am sticking to it.

Or, put another way, as in Shakespear, 'me thinks thou dost protect too much'.

You grossly over estimate your value...at least to me. and, sorry, I just do not feel compelled to follow your direction/correction concerning audio, and certainly not personally.

How did this get personal anyway? I recall warning in the beginning that once it does that it can only degenerate in a downward spiral. That it always does, and guess what, even you agree to that now.

Before we go though, answer why you guys do not just scroll past my posts. Even the one liners. Why bother with them if you are so upset by them. Especially when to the extent that it causes you to behave so rudely hostile in your responses.

BTW this goes for your sidekick too.

So, the shoe fits. OK. I am aware of what I express as inferior, primitive, or just immature.

Much is revealed by what we identify with. In a way, life is an ink blot. What you see is 'who you are'. Or, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. Ever heard that?

It can be very productive in deveoping as a human being. But of course it necessitates pointing the finger back at one's self, intead of always at others.

BTW, I do not expect any compliance with anything I suggest. contrare. It is a way of dealing with what one finds faulty, and to be generous, in need of improvement, without becoming a...well however you difine persons who resort to what has been directed at me peronally here by a couple of resident characters (feel free to include yourself :-)