Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?

Will my Creek 5350SE drive a pair of magnepan 1.6QRs? Room size is 25*12. If not could you recommend an amp for around $800-1000 to drive the maggies.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
Didactically, my only concern is that another audio neophyte, such as yourself, would take your advice, when it has become clear that you have no credibility. Questions were asked of you, regarding your opinions and experience. You answered neither. Instead, you respond with your standard mantra and drivel, revealing a brainwashed mind of an inexperienced audio cultist. You have attacked a wide range of fine audio products and design philosophies. You are one of life's most dangerous creatures, someone who prefers to "baffle them with bulls**t", rather than "dazzle them with brilliance".
It is obvious now. YOu guys enjoy this. After me there will be someone else. Like before me, huh.

That is why you cannot leave it alone, and just move on. It what you do. Well, you have noticed its not what I do. I just could not let you wise in our own conceit. But I am satisfied now with your complete exposure, for the world to see, and feel my work is done here.
You got Didcaticman right. Go to the thread "on line reviewers" if you want to hear more claptrap. Does not matter what the thread is. He goes to the same place. Something about "distortion" and "natural" sound that he, just, can't let go of, regardless of the post. It's a medication thing, I'm sure. lol..got to get to work...peace, warren