I cannot explain the difference in perception, other than to assume variables associated to systems/room differences etc.
I used the word coherent specifically to address the superb driver integration and phase-correct presentation that I hear with the 2's, not unlike my memory of the Kharma 1.0's I had in my home some years ago (coherence was the 1.0's strong-suit). Others that have visited recently commented on this performance attribute without a word from me, and were former detractors, as I was, of older Wilson designs (5.1's).
There is no question that in my set-up, the MAXX 2's layer images more precisely and offer more pinpoint center imaging --with proper scale, dimension and height than the 7's could. There is far better hall and ambient information present (and I used the WATCH with the 7's) and a more realistic rendition of the "event" or studio environment. One startling element was the way the 2's carried off resolving the weight, and fundamental harmonic, the tone of piano and voice. Different listeners, different times, commented on that as well.
Most of all, I simply forget the system when listening and enjoy the music in a way that connects me completely. The system relaxes and enervates -- and that's what all this is about.
The Alexandrias have subjectively more upper-freq air and mini-monitor-like low-level rez and image specificity. They also throw a more wrap-around-you stage, and distribute slightly more pitch defined mid/low bass and "touch" in the upper bass, but these are only gross impressions as I have not had them in my home, and unless I win lotto, never will.
I used the word coherent specifically to address the superb driver integration and phase-correct presentation that I hear with the 2's, not unlike my memory of the Kharma 1.0's I had in my home some years ago (coherence was the 1.0's strong-suit). Others that have visited recently commented on this performance attribute without a word from me, and were former detractors, as I was, of older Wilson designs (5.1's).
There is no question that in my set-up, the MAXX 2's layer images more precisely and offer more pinpoint center imaging --with proper scale, dimension and height than the 7's could. There is far better hall and ambient information present (and I used the WATCH with the 7's) and a more realistic rendition of the "event" or studio environment. One startling element was the way the 2's carried off resolving the weight, and fundamental harmonic, the tone of piano and voice. Different listeners, different times, commented on that as well.
Most of all, I simply forget the system when listening and enjoy the music in a way that connects me completely. The system relaxes and enervates -- and that's what all this is about.
The Alexandrias have subjectively more upper-freq air and mini-monitor-like low-level rez and image specificity. They also throw a more wrap-around-you stage, and distribute slightly more pitch defined mid/low bass and "touch" in the upper bass, but these are only gross impressions as I have not had them in my home, and unless I win lotto, never will.