Alectiong: It is an interesting thread. Both the MAX 3 and ISIS would be close contestents. I have heard the big Wilsons but not the ISIS (I own the Avalone Ascents though. But my main system is based on the Apogee Fullrange, which is a whole different ball game).
For a serious listner and you souund like one, the best strategy is to listen to both yourself and see whcih one suits your taste. One thing you want to consider is that it is the amp-speaker combination. Different combinations can sound very different. I guess you own the Lamm and want to keep it? Then you will need to ensure which speaker works better with the Lamm.
Personally, I pay no attention to reviewes. Hear them yourself which you did. I would be curious to know more about your own comaprison.
For a serious listner and you souund like one, the best strategy is to listen to both yourself and see whcih one suits your taste. One thing you want to consider is that it is the amp-speaker combination. Different combinations can sound very different. I guess you own the Lamm and want to keep it? Then you will need to ensure which speaker works better with the Lamm.
Personally, I pay no attention to reviewes. Hear them yourself which you did. I would be curious to know more about your own comaprison.