Cupracer good for you, your sentiment on supporting a good dealer is admirable as well as being smart with a purchase of this magnitude.
Innovative is in New York city they are one of Wilsons top dealers which is why I thought it was a little odd that you didn't visit them as well as Lyric in White plains.
I am glad to see this thread is back on the right footings, I personally don't like to be attacked or have my friend attacked when his track record for finding outstanding products is more than solid, which forced a tit for tat back and forth with Grpu, which then required in my mind to illustrate the how and why Dave works. His philosophy is all about seeking out the new and sometimes better products, which is why his inventory and display products change.
We all need to have an open mind and if a person is suggesting someone try out or check out a product you should consider, that in many times, in these forums, the poster and the commentator are in entirely different parts of the country and therefore, there is no personal or monnetary gain, just one person making a suggestion that the other person wasn't considering.
I hope you enjoy your Sashas, good luck with them.