Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?

I went to audition the Wilson Sabrina at a local shop. I so wanted to love these speakers because of the reviews, price and compact size. Unfortunately, I could not (don't hate me  Sabrina owners). I did, however,  fall in love with the Sasha 2. It seemed to do everything and more that I was looking for and I am hoping this speaker will be a speaker I can live with for a very long time. After thinking about it, I wondered, is the difference between the Sabrina and Sasha 2 smaller or greater than the Sasha 2 and current Alexia? The room has  good acoustics, Mcintosh C50 pre, MC152 amp and as noted above, is very small. Would there be too much bass and overwhelm the room. I have not heard the Alexias and was wondering if any owners or listeners familiar to both can comment on the differences and similarities and give impressions as to how they might work in my small room. I currently own and like very much the  Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 but am looking for more. At this point, I am pretty sure I will go with the Sashas  but am looking for guidance from someone with experience especially since it is very hard to locate the Alexias and hear personally.  Thanks for your opinions
I recently auditioned a pair of the Sasha 2 speakers. I have been an audiophile for over 25 years and have heard and owned some wonderful speakers. However, I was transfixed and highly impressed by the musicality, realism, smoothness, detail without harhness or edge and dynamics of the Sasha 2's. I listened to them for over 2 1/2 hours with no ear fatigue.
What actual prices have the Sasha 2's been selling at. Any recommended dealers to purchase from? Thanks.
Sky, I live in the NY tri-state area. There are only a couple of dealers near me and both are very good, Lyric  and Take 5.  They don't discount Wilson speakers like many other brands. They don't need to as my dealer says they sell at least 1 -2 pairs per week (I believe him as there were a set of Sasha's and Alex's in crates awaiting delivery at last visit)  If I could have found a used pair in the desired color, I would have considered it. They are very heavy (over 500lbs with wooden crates) so delivery and set up were important to me. I will give my admittedly biased review when they arrive, are broken in and are fully sorted. I thought the speakers were worth the relative high cost of admission but your ears and wallet will guide you. For me, most days, I listen 1-3 hours per day so I felt the expenditure was justified and they easily suited my requirements and taste.
 I agree, they do possess the sound qualities not found ordinarily and were easily head and shoulders above other speakers that I auditioned. The detail, dynamics and emotional involvement are certainly ,IMHO, some of  their best attributes .Good luck and enjoy!
Hey Cupracer doesn't Innovative also sell Wilsons in your area? 

Why no mention of them?  
Cupracer good for you, your sentiment on supporting a good dealer is admirable as well as being smart with a purchase of this magnitude.

Innovative is in New York city they are one of Wilsons top dealers which is why I thought it was a little odd that you didn't visit them as well as Lyric in White plains. 

I am glad to see this thread is back on the right footings, I personally don't like to be attacked or have my friend attacked when his track record for finding outstanding products is more than solid,  which forced a tit for tat back and forth with Grpu, which then required in my mind to illustrate the how and why Dave works. His philosophy is all about seeking out the new and sometimes better products, which is why his inventory and display products change. 

We all need to have an open mind and if a person is suggesting someone try out or check out a product you should consider, that in many times, in these forums, the poster and the commentator are in entirely different parts of the country and therefore, there is no personal or monnetary gain, just one person making a suggestion that the other person wasn't considering.

I hope you enjoy your Sashas, good luck with them.