From my understanding jitter through USB and Toslink are two totally separate things.
Doesn't the jitter from USB have more to do with how the end device or USB Dac deciphers the signal changing it eventually over to I2S?
Or by using a clock in the end device to control the information being sent from the PC or Mac?
I see your point if you're planning to use the spdif output directly from the PC itself. USB seems to be not as touchy in this area from what I've read and experienced so far.
Also if your Dac has galvanic isolation from the PC's USB port. Electrical interference from what I gather shouldn't be a major problem if the USB port is functioning properly.
Doesn't the jitter from USB have more to do with how the end device or USB Dac deciphers the signal changing it eventually over to I2S?
Or by using a clock in the end device to control the information being sent from the PC or Mac?
I see your point if you're planning to use the spdif output directly from the PC itself. USB seems to be not as touchy in this area from what I've read and experienced so far.
Also if your Dac has galvanic isolation from the PC's USB port. Electrical interference from what I gather shouldn't be a major problem if the USB port is functioning properly.