Wiring a dedicated line

I just put a didicated line in myself for my stereo. The stereo works fine but if I plug an air conditioner into it the fan in the ac unit wont come on but the lights and refridgeration unit do. The fan works in the ac unit when pluged into a different line.

Did I wire it wrong? Is the ac unit getting some power but not enough to run the fan?

I have wired before but never had this problem.

Any help would be great.
A Journey level Electrician may bid a job and be responsable provided the job does not exceed a certain dollar amount. The amount changes by the State, here (Utah) it is $2000. You do not have to have a Master Electrician all you need is a competent Journey level to perform your work. A dedicated line should not exceed the local limits. Check with your local Hometheater installers and ask who they use.
and you need to call one. It is probably something very simple, but the fact is, if you have to ask you should have someone qualified repair your problem.

Good Luck.

Viridian, when you ask "How can I put a dedicated line into myself for home theater?" I hope you don't really mean what I think you do! (Although your wife may quite enjoy the entertainment)... just kidding.
I appreciate all your help. Im not an electrician but I have some experience with high voltage. I have wired many things before and I have one of those plugs that tells you if it is wired right and the plug indicates that it is.

I shut off the breaker and I am going to have to get some help.

Thanks again.