Wisdom Audio Adrenaline 75 dipoles?


Has anyone heard these speakers before? I am buying a pair
Is it a speaker of a lifetime?

Any opinions (from someone who has actually heard them) would be GREATLY appreciated about now.

I heard the Adrenaline when the inventer brought them by to our audio club a couple years ago. I felt they were good speakers, but have heard many as good or better in the same price range. My experience was in a room of other people, so it wasn't ideal. I had my bass demo disk of the time, Siris' Svale Band "blackbird", track 2 "love for sale" I found the bass to be slow and uninvolving, just the opossite of the others. This disk has two stand up bass players and track 2 is very fast and low. I sure would proceed slowly, and my opinion, I would not buy these speakers for myself after hearing them, so I would have a hard time recommending them to you.
Thanks to all of you, I will reconsider for sure. Based
upon what I have heard I think a drive would be in order
before I plunk down the cash.

That is exactly what I needed to know, as it is not always
feasable to hear before you buy.

Do any of you that have heard the more high end stuff have
any suggestions for a speaker $11k and under that will fill
a 20x20x12 room with beautiful life like sound?? Help me
spend some money! :o)

Used speakers that fit in that range are fine also.

ML Prodigy's
sound Labs
Dunlavy SC-V????? ETC...ETC...

hey bob, take a look at von schweikert. for the money they're supposed to be incredible--reference quality (the 6 is in your price range). i have NOT heard them, but i have looked and have yet to find anyone who says anything bad about them. ---and if you ever need to sell another bag end...:-)
rhyno (in houston)
Hi again Bob, If I had a room your size the choice would be an easy one. Soundlab.
I too just bought a pair of dipoles. I listened to the quie a lot. They were driven by Jeff Rowland amps/pre and an Oracle cdp. They sound absolutely amazing. Their spacial recreation of recorded music makes you feel like the artist is truly there. My recording of Rob Wasserman and Cheryl Bentyne performing Angel Eyes revealed areas of the music that I had never heard before and words that I thought were just sounds.