Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart

My current setup is a Rega P10/Apheta 3 cart sending signal to an Allnic H5500. It sound is very pleasing to my ears. 

I placed the Allnic H5500 in front of my vintage Yamaha CR820 and Technics SL1800. Wow. Did not see that coming. I could listen to that all day. 

My current setup is a Allnic T2000 30the Anniversary integrated. My Turntable a Rega P10.

I entertained getting an Allnic H8000 dht but feel that's a bit overkill for my system. I'm now entertaining an Allnic H7000 along with a Cart, perhaps Rose or Amber (all in the family) or even the Rega Auro with the Aphelion cart. 

I'm not the sophisticated/knowledgable audiophile when it comes to vinyl setups. Too much focus on digital over the years I guess, so I look for advice from this knowlegable forum.


Aphelion seems like a logical choice but as others said, raising the VTA is an easy task if I wanted to explore Allnic cartridge gems.

I can get a nearly new Allnic H7000 a very deep discount, but it's still painfully expensive, especially given the cost of an Aphelion.

My wife has a system. No turntable in it thank God. We have a pretend-O-war regarding who's system sounds the best. It's neck and neck...

I would give my left nut to have a P10...Anything else would be gravy.

need time machine to go back before I read this :)

I thought about the Evo 100. Like the brand. But does it even compete with my Allnic H5500? Like the Aura, which is a solid state device, would it be an upgrade? Certainly, the Aphelion cart would be an upgrade.

With my busy lifestyle, often, I warm my system and never get to hear a song. I feel bad for my tubes. So there's that. 

Minus K platform is out of our budget, but thanks for the knowledge as, my Rega is sitting on maple which is sitting on glass.