With Cary Tube System: AQ Cheetah or Nordost Frey?

Any experience or opinions?

I use a 25' set of Nordost Frey interconnects to run from preamp to mono's.[$10,000 preamp, $14,000 mono's] Its quick, clean, accurate, and extended.

It replaced a 30' set of Purist Audio Venustas, just as good, slightly different presentation.[just a bit less musical]
I also tried a 1 meter set of Frey [RCA] to compete against my Nordost Valkyrja: No contest: Frey smokes the Valkyrja in every parameter, except perhaps in ultimate musicality.

Its a very revealing cable, better to perhaps go with the Cheetah if your system is not up to snuff, or you don't need the added resolution/extension.

Absolute killer cable for the money. Its quicker than the Nordost Tyre, which I use ahead of the 25' Frey cables, they are a nice match together to mix/match. The Tyre is more refined and sophisticated, better sheilding, more substantial build quality, is a better cable all around, except as noted above[quickness, more money too, obviously]

They Tyre is a more sophisticated and refined Quattro Fil, not as dark as the QF, more extended, and more musical. Just a nice step up over the QF....

Have not tried the Cheetah........but if you want quickness/accuracy/soundstaging and extension, I would seriously consider the Frey.

Billm, just ran across this thread. I'd be interested in a bit more info in the comparison of these lengths of Venustas and Frey.