I borrowed a Hegel P30 to try in my system to compare with my VAC Ren Mk III preamp....connected into Statement VAC 450 stereo amp driving Magico S5.
As context, nothing I have had in my system before came close to the VAC preamp. I bought a Conrad Johnson GAT preamp (obviously more expensive than the VAC or the Hegel). The GAT was SOTA but was beat by the VAC -- GAT was not as open and harmonically accurate as the VAC.
So, getting the Hegel P30...I was ready for a similar experience...
But, to my surprise...the P30 is awesome and holds it own easily with the VAC. It is dynamic, clear, coherent, musical, and lets more detail through without being analytical. My foot was tapping - always a good sign. I actually didn't have to listen as hard to hear details and ambient cues through the P30. It's transients are sharper and better defined. Timing is less sluggish than the VAC. What the VAC still has that nothing beats is harmonic richness, especially in the lower registers and with male voices. Today is the first day I realized this may be a romantic coloration versus accurate harmonic texture coming through. There was more energy in the lower registers of the VAC but it sounded a little smeared and condensed/constricted compared to the Hegel P30. So...this is the first preamp I have heard that I could live with and be as happy (and in some regards happier) as I am with my treasured VAC Ren Mk III. The P30 is an incredible preamp for the money. $7,500 and it easily beats the GAT I had in my system. Hands down to these ears.
As context, nothing I have had in my system before came close to the VAC preamp. I bought a Conrad Johnson GAT preamp (obviously more expensive than the VAC or the Hegel). The GAT was SOTA but was beat by the VAC -- GAT was not as open and harmonically accurate as the VAC.
So, getting the Hegel P30...I was ready for a similar experience...
But, to my surprise...the P30 is awesome and holds it own easily with the VAC. It is dynamic, clear, coherent, musical, and lets more detail through without being analytical. My foot was tapping - always a good sign. I actually didn't have to listen as hard to hear details and ambient cues through the P30. It's transients are sharper and better defined. Timing is less sluggish than the VAC. What the VAC still has that nothing beats is harmonic richness, especially in the lower registers and with male voices. Today is the first day I realized this may be a romantic coloration versus accurate harmonic texture coming through. There was more energy in the lower registers of the VAC but it sounded a little smeared and condensed/constricted compared to the Hegel P30. So...this is the first preamp I have heard that I could live with and be as happy (and in some regards happier) as I am with my treasured VAC Ren Mk III. The P30 is an incredible preamp for the money. $7,500 and it easily beats the GAT I had in my system. Hands down to these ears.