Would I benefit from a dedicated streamer?

Currently, I'm streaming directly from a Roon Nucleus to the Holo May KTE DAC.  Would there be any sonic benefit from adding a streamer to the chain?  Or any benefit at all?  For reference, I have narrowed my choices down to these three, probably in this order:

Auralic G2.1
Lumin U1
Innos ZENith Mk3

I liken this to the discussion about adding a preamp to the chain, when your DAC has a volume control.  I'm in the camp for adding the preamp.  To me, it sounds better.  Thanks for your help.
@arafiq the wolf server does not need anything but a keyboard, a mouse and a nice usb audio cable. If someone is looking to stream dsd they need the usb anyway so i dont count that in the cost. 
The u1 is $6100 
the used aurender was 16g 

As far as sound quality.... the stage is incredible. You can mentally zoom in on the individual performers just like at a real concert.  The detail is staggering, and ill say i have improved dynamics, air, and tonal accuracy. 
I grew up in a studio and have been critical about sound my whole life. The op asked for opinions... i just went through the same thing as the op and this is where i landed. Take it or leave it. 

@andrewkelley - thanks for the follow-up. So,the Wolf Luna R is the steamer, right? It replaced the Mac Mini/Metrum Amber? Did you get the Luna R or the Luna R Pure Digital version?  May I ask what DAC you’re using?
bought the Luna R pure digital. I went with the titan processor. And I upgraded the sata cables. It is the roon server and streamer in one. i also does jriver, plays Netflix and everything else a computer does. But The thing has stillpoints inside, and is designed for amazing sound quality. Plus its a father and  son operated business built by hand in florida. 
I use a t+a dac8 dsd 

This  thread completely lost me/ I thought the roon nucleus was a dedicated streamer that fed a dac. I have 2 systems, 1 Meridian DSP and the other with a hegel integrated with dac. in each case the roon accesses my library and tidal, finds content information, album covers, recommends similar music, gives album reviews, etc. Roon also unfolds mqa for us tidal subscribers. As often as dac chipsets change I wouldn't spend $$$ on a dac. 

Another option to look at is a used PS Audio DSD DAC with Bridge2.  I find it almost impossible to beat.