Charley Horse - I like what you’ve accumulated in terms of audio gear. It’s all of a certain vintage and all very good sounding, without that next level price tag and performance. All good bang for the buck gear, which is where I usually have always been with my many audio systems over the years.
I’ve owned and read countless reviews of audio gear from Stereophile, TAS, HiFi News & RR, HiFi Heretic, The Listener, etc over the year, so much more than I’ll ever be able to listen to.
Regarding tube preamps, I had a Music Reference RM5 mkII for many years that I just loved (with a B&K ST140, EX442, Paoli M70 monos, and a Music Reference RM9) but for some odd reason, it wouldn’t mate up well with the c/m MV50 I had. What was mind blowing was that when I sent it in for a simple mute circuit repair, I had a $89 (at the time) lowly Dyna PAS2 inserted in my system for a few months. It was earth shattering how good this sounded, so much so, that when my MR pre came back, I preferred the PAS2.
When I had the cj MV50, I really wished I could have found a PV5 to mate it with. I don’t have any experience with cj preamps, but from what I’ve read, if you can find a cj Premier 2 or Premier 3 preamp, they are steps above the PV5.
Other great tube preamps that I read about that are a cut above are:
Berning TF10A or AH, Audio Research SP-6B, Counterpoint SA5 or 5.1, AVA Super PAS, Moscode Minuet in A, and MFA Majus….but if you are not using a silver IC between amp & pre, I would start there before changing preamps.
Have fun on the preamp journey,