You know you either want to get into finding old records, finding good supplies, or you just go with the digital trend and be done! Yes, there is some absolutely stunning, superb, and glorious(even better on the whole than the digital offerings out there often) sound to be had from good analog, no doubt. I think however, you are either willing to commit to hunting down analog and making a hobby out of it(records), or your not. I'm not personally. I just like plain CD, maybe better, and HT. And I do like music. But unless you're ready to commit, and/or you already have a good record collection, you should strongly consider your time and effort. It may be worth it, maybe not.
If you go to the shows every year(CES/Hifi show/etc), you may listen, and like. If so, and your gut say's, absolutely, then you might get a small Project table, Rega, etc, and pick up a few records. Then, if you're absolutely, sold, go further. Hope this helps.
Me personally, I grew up in the digital age of gen X'ers. I just happend to dig HT/Digital, and music second. So for me, it's easy. good luck
If you go to the shows every year(CES/Hifi show/etc), you may listen, and like. If so, and your gut say's, absolutely, then you might get a small Project table, Rega, etc, and pick up a few records. Then, if you're absolutely, sold, go further. Hope this helps.
Me personally, I grew up in the digital age of gen X'ers. I just happend to dig HT/Digital, and music second. So for me, it's easy. good luck