www.high-endaudio.com & Arthur Salvatore

I just stumbled on this web site while googling and surfing. He has some interesting things to say, and I examined his "Recommended Components" list with interest.

Question: Accepting the premise that one man's opinion is exactly that, has anyone here confirmed or disagreed with 1) his equipment observations, 2) his views on the state of audio journalism?
I have read his entire website more than once, and while I cannot say that I agree with everything he says, I have 2 products which he rates, and I agree with his ratings of those 2 products. MFA Magus and Denon DL103. Both were mentioned as having the best sound for the cost. I totally agree in those 2 cases. No-one is going to agree with everything anyone says anyway. So his site is merely an information source, and should be viewed in that light.
Been in his store many times. He does have his opinions. But they are much closer to the truth than what you get in the Audio press.
He knows his stuff.
I have seen him with customers who have come in to buy an amp for example. After discussing thier needs and the associated gear they have, he has told them nothing he has on hand will work well.
How many would do this.
To bad he moved back to the USA. The store was a great place to listen music and shop for Viynl.
He's a bit over the top, but anybody who's ever so much as thought about buying a component on the basis of a review really ought to read his take on the audio press (as well as Rich Hardesty's at www.audioperfectionist.com).