x-tronic 4000 soldering station

Need to buy soldering station, after reviewing a few including Hakko, Atten, Weller came at X-tronic 4000, this one out there includes the hot air gun as well, magnifying lamp, quite a few tips. Temp range from 150C which is suites me, I need 180C to work with WBT solder. Any experience on this from DIY folks would be great, anything I should be concerned about...
Thank you
Mr K- Actually; I've never seen any recommendations regarding temps, from WBT. I started using Wonder Solder about 15 years ago, and found it worked wonderfully at lower temps than I was used to. To me; that was desirable, as dielectrics(like Teflon)tend to release gases, when heated. That means the chemical composition is changing. Not something I wanted to do to the expensive cables to which I was attaching various connectors, or the RCAs going in a chassis. When I started using WBT; I never raised the temp and never had a problem. Kimber Kable recommends 750 degrees, when using Wonder Solder, but I've never experienced any problems at 500 to 550.
Rodman99999, Next time I'll try 550. Teflon can be really bad if overheated,especially large surface like frying pan. If I remember correctly it releases Fosgen - a gas that was used as chemical weapon.
Mr K- Absolutely NOT the kind of thing I want, hanging in the air about my soldering station. In this first reference; they mention that Teflon begins off-gassing toxic particulates at 464, and emitting six toxic gases at 680 degrees F(plus a few other tasty treats):(http://www.tuberose.com/Teflon.html) Next to a vacuum or air; Teflon has been my favorite dielectric(since the 80's). Many of the components I've soldered have been configured in a way that left them hard to heatsink, and I was always more concerned with the idea of altering the chemistry of the Teflon, than that of my own body(typical). (http://www.ewg.org/node/8305)
Rodman99999, My all cables are either Teflon or foam Teflon insulated. We use at work very thin Teflon insulated wires. It is very difficult to strip ends without nicking wire.

Thanks for the links. Overheated Teflon is really scary. We had two larks that died one after another, bought for our daughter when she was young. The only explanation that comes to mind is common usage at the time of new wonder "Teflon Frying Pan". Our daughter also had constant upper respiratory problems that suddenly stopped when we got rid of Teflon. Now I use mostly cast iron wok seasoned to black non stick layer of carbon and ceramic coated pans. As dielectric, on the other hand, it is perfect. My interconnect have oversized tubes made of foam Teflon - dielectric constant likely close to 1. Capacitance: 5pF/ft.

Getting back to soldering - I would also make sure to use ventilated area or at least small fan that blows fumes sideways. Washing hands is necessary after touching led.
I have a Hakko temp controled FM-202 soldering station and just love it. It has interchangable tips, and will even do surface mount with a heated tweezer attachment. Each tip is calibrated by the controller so it produces the right temperature irrespective of the power needed by the tip.

BTW, the digitally set tip temp is 750 F by default.