XLR cable with warmth without losing resolution

Would like to keep it under $1000ish a metre. 
Not sure if warmth and resolution are considered oxymorons, but I mean I wouldn’t like to lose information but the cable to have a warm tonal signature.

Purist Neptune seems to be a front runner but is pricey , any alternatives or any one with experience on Neptune who can advice?
WyWires. Their entire lineup is copper, no silver. Very natural sounding cables, that have no glare or sound cold like a lot of silver cables. Very organic, open cables that don’t draw attention to themselves.
Kimber Select 1116 which uses Kimber's best copper and is very natural sounding with good (but not overwhelming) harmonics and work well with tubes.  The other cable is a Purist Audio Design Aqueous Luminist.  This is an extremely well shielded cable that is dynamic and very well balanced top to bottom.  I am not sure what your budget is but if you can stretch yourself to the Aqueous Luminist it will be worth your while.
They say in Purist cables different lines have different sound. Unlike other cables where you get more of the same as you go up the line.

which line of purist would have the warmest tonal signature? (Keeping cost considerations aside)
What does one thing have to do with the other? 😳 Besides resolution and warmth are just words and words have different meanings to different people. Dylan said that. Everything is relative to something else. I said that.
In my system I sue WW Series 7 XLRs , power cords, and speaker cables. Whether the music is poorly mastered or wonderfully so, either comes through clearly
