XLR to RCA adaptors

I have xlr interconnects and really do not want to sell them to purchase rca. Will using adaptors hurt the sound quality? My CD player has xlr and the amp I am buying does not. Thanks in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
I've also used Cardas adapters with good results and no noticeable degradation in sonics.
Thanks guys.

Who has a good price on these adaptors or does anyone have any they want to let go?

One of two ways http://www.mediacollege.com/audio/connection/xlr-rca-1.html

As Oldears says check how the XLR is wired, but likely all is okay as pretty standard stuff.

Made mine with Neutrik XLR (silver contacts)> AN silver litz cable > Cardas RCA female connectors, worked fine with Reimyo CDP-777 & Magnum Dynalab 108T to Kondo preamp.
