@erik_squires Only in price. Sonically speaking AS3000 sounds basically identical to AS2100 which is to say spectacular. A-S3000 looks better, still not as good as a Luxman.
Not sure where @fjn04 is getting his idea from that any of the Yammie MOSFET amps have a bright edge. They actually sound pretty close to Pass INT-60 in my opinion. Luxman is actually brighter than both Pass and Yammie, not that any of the 3 should be considered bright by any means. Luxman is just the leanest sounding by like 1/10th of a millimeter.
Not sure where @fjn04 is getting his idea from that any of the Yammie MOSFET amps have a bright edge. They actually sound pretty close to Pass INT-60 in my opinion. Luxman is actually brighter than both Pass and Yammie, not that any of the 3 should be considered bright by any means. Luxman is just the leanest sounding by like 1/10th of a millimeter.