Yamaha NS 5000

Anybody know if or when the Yamaha NS 5000 speaker will hit the US shores? There was a great thread on A’Gon on this new speaker but it is now deleted? Other than an Australian and UK review I do not see too much conversation about this speaker. I am intrigued because Doug Schneider (of SoundstageHiFi.com) said in a blog post that these new speakers were the best sounding ones at the Tokyo audio show that also had other top line speakers.
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This is a little like Goldilocks.

NS3000 too small
NS5000 maybe too big
NS4000 hopefully just right

You've been talking about the Yamaha speakers and Luxman amps for over a year... BUY SOMETHING!!!

I am with you on the buy something. Actually I was going to buy the NS5000 at the public NS5000 event at the local dealer. I wanted to hear it in the bigger demo room just in case.

Well this thing called Covaid-19 hit and the event got cancelled. So I am twiddling by thumbs until I can drive down and buy them.

BTW - The reason I have not bought anything until now is because I only want to spend $5K to buy my next system, speakers + amps + DAC. That initial $5K is the amount I invested in the stock market to spend foolishly on audio gear.

So today $5K = $40K system. LOL (first time I used this)

The Luxman amps are out and I will get the T+A PV3100 HV integrated instead. I have no physical space to put the separates due to extra crap I am putting into the office space for a new work project.

Luxman amps for the downstairs in a few years.