Yamaha vs Rotel

Hi Everyone,

I am torn between Yamaha AS-2200 VS Rotel RA1592 (or RA1572 +RB1590 Separates) for my DALI Speakers. Could you shed some light on their characteristic differences in terms of sonic performance? Thanks in advance.
Thank you. much appreciated. I am thinking of a streaming DAC if I go with the Yammy. Any recommendations?
Agree with soix the Yamaha will probably sound a bit warmer, not sure if that is a good thing for your set up but I really enjoyed the 2100 in my system. I also had the R-N 803 streaming receiver and it sounded like a mini version of the 2100. Amazing amp for the poultry sum I paid for it. 
I was thinking the same. I love warm sounding amps. I looked at the streaming components and now try to find a streaming DAC that is at par with the overall quality of the system. Have you checked out Yamaha MusicCast NP-S303? not sure about the quality of DAC.I am also considering Cambridge Azur 851N and RME  ADI-2 DAC FS.