YG Acoustics vs. Avantgarde Duo series comparison?

I like horns, but an intrigued by YG. Have not yet heard YG personally. Has anybody heard both and if so how do they compare? Thanks. I appreciate any insite.
in the end, to each his own preference.
Having said that, some friends i know are avant garde speakers for life. They just love it and wouldnt want anything else.
Some folks swears by the YG & they hail it as one of the best speakers.
For me, the debate ends when you ears would dictate the sound you prefer or like.
I personally dont care much for horns but they are in no way unpleasant, its just not my cup of tea.
I have not heard of any YG but like the more conventional speakers like Harbeth, Spendors, Wilson, etc...
To me, almost all speakers have plus and minus points. So in the end, personally, there is no prfect speaker.
Best to decide after you listen to either speaker & let your ears decide.
Good luck
Kudos Brawny. It seems their is always some wise guy who knows all. I know now what the true meaning of HIFi. I guess his preference should be our reference!
Philefreak I didnt talk about any preference, I talked about things that can be MEASURED. And yes, absolute measurements should be your reference if you want to listen to a "high fidelity" sound. Otherwise you listen what YOU prefer, which i respect with my whole heart but dont call it high fidelity when you have a frequency response like mountain everest, and a step response to laugh at.

Its quite simple.
Mike or Argyro or whatever your name is, are your bored? This is your sixth post in this thread and the only thing you have managed to do is show your ignorance. We are all quite taken with your loudspeaker measurement expertise and are not worthy of your enlightenment. It's guys like you that ruin these types of forums for everyone else. How about giving it a rest and taking it elsewhere?