YG Carmels vs Rockport Atrias

Considering both the YG Carmels and Rockport Atria for my smaller
11 x 13 ft listening room. Any and all opinions will be appreciated.
Using VAC amplification and EMM front end.

Thank you!
I am also considering the Carmels. Heard at the CA Audio Show and they were stunning. Very fast, coherent, only lacked deep bass, but had enough unless you are an organ fan and you may miss a few low pedal notes. Otherwise spectacular. Reminds me of the Kharma 3.2 FE, only better. PT
I agree. Never heard the Rockports and only heard the Carmels once, at a show 3 years ago. But I've never forgotten how great they sounded. Amazing speakers.
I also have also only head Carmel.

That is a tough room. I do not know if I would push it with a (I assume ported) three-way. Maybe alya is more appropriate, but a small room is going to cap the performance of either speaker. Raidho X1 is in my opinion is a model to investigate.