Yoiks, I'm amplifier confused.

A tax refund and wife allows an upgrade - can fudge around $2500. Thinking about an amplifier upgrade. My current system:

Rogue 99 pre
Bryston 3BST
Arcam 9 CDP
B&W N803
Harmonic Truth Link and Pro 9 connections
Synergistic Tech power all around.

Primarily listen to classical and jazz. The options are confusing and I've kinda identified some candidates:

Rogue 120 Monos
Rogue 88 stereo
VTL ST 150

Pass 150.5
CJ 2500A

This will be a sight unheard purchase since I can't, in all conscience, go to the local shops and research or perform home audition. And I've really only chosen the candidates from reputation - unfamiliar with the CJ, PASS and VTL lines.
The cheaper options (Rogue 88/VTL ST85) could also allow a CDP upgrade. Any thoughts?

A friend has the BAT VK200 and is a very nice match with his N803s. In my opinion it has just enough power for these speakers.
Take a look at the Mcintosh MC352. I am using it with B&W N803, never regret the purchase. Rodney.
match your bryston 3 with their preamp,get harbeths and live happily ever after...the 3 is the heart of your system at this point.
Your source electronics are very nice but the mismatch lies in the 3B-ST and BW speakers (personal experience). The 3B-ST is one hell of an amp but not with B&W speakers. How about go with a more power Rogue amp if you like the 99 sound so far? Or upgrade your speakers?
Thanks all for the feed-back. Knew I could count on Team A'gon. I'm leaning toward a tube solution. While the 3BST is a fine amplifier I expect to smooth out the edges with some experimentation. Maybe a cheaper option so I can experiment without a serious investment or resale issues. But that Cary suggestion is really intriguing...

Thanks again all of you.