Hi WAtson,
If it were my budget, i would go with either: Thiel 3.6 (here for $1800 secondhand) or full range pair of SF speakers...very different sound...but matched with the right electronics, both can make magic.
For Thiel, older Class A Krell (FPB series) and a CJ 17LS preamp with some old Transp Ref cables...could just about make your budget. A good Oppo Blu-ray 93 would be plenty good though there is doubtless better.
As for SF, get good floorstander or older Extremas...partner latter with Krell/CJ again or could go with med-powered tubes depending on efficiency of unit and how loud you actually play, since you did say loud...perhaps 2 CJ MV60SEs monoblocked...sensational magic and good power.
good luck. my 2 cents.
If it were my budget, i would go with either: Thiel 3.6 (here for $1800 secondhand) or full range pair of SF speakers...very different sound...but matched with the right electronics, both can make magic.
For Thiel, older Class A Krell (FPB series) and a CJ 17LS preamp with some old Transp Ref cables...could just about make your budget. A good Oppo Blu-ray 93 would be plenty good though there is doubtless better.
As for SF, get good floorstander or older Extremas...partner latter with Krell/CJ again or could go with med-powered tubes depending on efficiency of unit and how loud you actually play, since you did say loud...perhaps 2 CJ MV60SEs monoblocked...sensational magic and good power.
good luck. my 2 cents.