Your Best Tweak Lately

My latest, and perhaps best tweak, is a continuation of fuse upgrades, first using HiFi Tuning, two types, then Furutech, and finally, Synergistic Research Reds. Now, you may not believe in fuses, and that's ok---not here to convert anyone, just to report that these SR Reds are so far ahead of the others listed--to my ears, at least. If you have Maggies that you want to easily improve, put these in. I also have them as the mains fuses in ARC 210s and 861GNSC. If you have confidence in your power supply as stable and plentiful--another tweak in itself--no worries about the safety of these fuses--I even push the ratings a bit to match my big-gauge power cord capabilities. In the Maggies, I push them to 8A and 16A (stock is 2.5A and 5A) for a more "straight wire" effect by way of the bigger elements--incredible upgrade without molesting the speakers. With potentials in power supply, cords, cables, isolation schemes, room tricks, etc, this is a tweaker's paradise--I'm stealing the term back--just for audio.
Wow! OMG! Who thought that something as simple as fuses would make such a big difference!! I'm going to go out and try this!!! Thanks soooooo much!!!!!!
Yeah, how could fuses make such a difference? Just take them out and then listen--you won't hear a thing. You're welcome, Bojack. Again, these SR Reds are a nice addition over the others. What's your best tweak lately?
Speaking of Synergistic Research... and tweaks...
I've always understood that my room has issues with bass nodes. In addition, the soundstage has been limited, in part due to the necessity of speaker placement and the nature of the Volti horns. But I have to say, several SR products have rather dramatically improved these shortcomings. The SR "Blackbox" has basically eliminated the low frequency issues - it is now controlled, resonant, defined. Additionally, wherever, I sit in the room, the sweet spot, to the side or at the back wall - the benefits are dramatically noticeable. The four Bassbusters never accomplished this level of control.
I've never been overly needy of soundstage. Tonal balance and sonic honesty has been at the forefront. However, on a whim I've installed 10 HFTs to the room and speakers. As rediculously small and insignificant these things appear, their effectiveness to my ears, and in my room, have introduced a three dimensiontality I've never heard in my room with any speaker. My wife commented that music fills the room. Black art? Hucksterism? All I know is things changed for the better. Immediatelly. No "breaking-in". No acclimation.
And I know these things have some controversy about them, so I'm a bit hesitant to post, but the combination of these two SR products has definitely been my best latest tweak.