Your experience as Yamamoto owner?


I'm interested in Yamamoto amps, likely the 45-based A-08S or the 2A3 A-011. There is very little info I found here and elsewhere online about these amps, and asking Yamamoto thru e-mail I have gotten no answer. Makes me wonder what to expect in terms of post sales service if I don't even get an answer when asking towards a sale?

So wondering what's the experience of the owners out there? Do you contact Yamamoto or someone else?

Anyone knows where to find user manuals online? Specifically I need to understand what kind of speaker impedance these are designed for, as there is only one set of speaker outputs. Or maybe there are different taps internally for different impedances and one can manually set it?

Thank you!
Where does it indicate that DejaVU builds gear? Maybe I missed it on the site but see gear they sell from other companies? Thanks
Apparently they do not advertise their own gear on their site although I vaguely remember that they used to years back. I've been to the shop a couple times and they collect all kinds of vintage parts that they use in their gear builds. Assuming they still build gear, you will have to contact them to see what they have in rotation or if you want custom work done.
As others have noted, the DejaVu website leaves a lot to be desired. It does not come close to describing the range of gear that they have available - including their own equipment. Visit the shop or send an email or call them. Despite the absence of their own equipment on their website, they make a range of electronics including a full range of amplifier topologies - SET, PSET, and PP using 45, 2a3, 300b, et al - using vintage components. I had both a Yamamoto A-08s and a DejaVu 45/2a3 SET and liked them both. Simple circuitry. Very similar sounding.
They absolutely build their own gear take a look at my system here if you care to see their handiwork, and as I advised the OP just give them a call or drop them an email.
So this just popped up in the classifieds:

I have no affiliation with the seller but for $1600 that is a steal for a Deja Vu 45 amp, if you are still looking Lewinskih01.