Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
"Dreamt For Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain"?

Thank you Terrence R. for the tip.


If you like the new Sparklehorse, I urge you to go back and pick up the others, especially "It's A Wonderful Life" and "Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot." Really great, ethereal music.

the E.L.B. trio (Peter Erskine, Nguyen Le, and Michael Benita). Awesome stuff!!!
Check out the band, Palace. I love both EP's. They are on Spotify.
Awesome band !! Unique sound !
Harry Manx you can get some songs to sample on youtube. Spoonful, The thrill is gone and some original songs .