Your favourite Rush albums?

Started as a side discussion on another thread so thought I would just make a thread for it.

Pretty simple really, your favourite Rush albums and why?

To keep it simple, studio albums ONLY, no bootlegs, live albums etc.
Post removed 
Moving Pictures
Power Windows
Exit Stage Left

how can 3 guys make so much noise?!
For Rush fans, and those who have a surround system,  2112 blu ray audio Hi-Res is a great disc. Additional animation plays along with the songs and sound quality is great. Fun listen in 5.1 or greater
Great topic, I’m a big fan up until moving pictures. I have tried very hard to like their newer stuff and didn’t know why I could not accept it. The balance is different Then I realized as I was listening recently. Geddi’s voice changed, he started to sing in a lower octave. This changed the sound of the band that I new and what impacted me when I was 14 and first heard Caress of Steel. You need that upper octave in the sound triangle, otherwise everything is low.
Having said that, my most played Rush albums are :

Caress of steel
Moving pictures
Exit stage left 

But I own all their documentaries on video and their concert in Rio, I’m just stuck in the original Rush sound.
I feel the same way about pink Floyd, Toto and journey.