Musicallyinclined, it was said tongue in cheek. They are expensive: a 2m pair of Standard are $16k, while a 2m pair of ParaHelios (Reference) are $28k. Longer lengths are a lot more. One of my customers had this to say:
"Well, I knew it was a mistake to borrow the Reference [ParaHelios] speaker wire from Teo Audio and I did it anyway. Again, what is the point of upgrading electronic components if you are not really getting nearly what your current gear can deliver? Every step up in Teo Audio cable reveals more about what your components can deliver from the recording. More focused and clear vocals and instruments. Better bass. Expanded soundstage. Timbral accuracy. I find myself turning the volume down because everything is so much easier to hear when it's not smeared. I didn't know the sound was smeared till it wasn't! A remarkable product."
As you might have guessed, he purchased a pair.
As for dealers in Ontario, you might contact Taras of Teo Audio for a referral, 613-546-1631.