Zeppelin on vinyl

I just noticed that Acoustic Sounds is listing all the Led Zeppelin reissues by Classic Records as "limited stock." Anyone know what's up? I assume that they are going out of print. Shall I assume further that they are to be replaced by something newer, better, more expensive? Thanks.

I like all of them I just think the first three are the best because they are not over produced. Like you said live and raw sounding.
newly remastered....
page and plant are involved with the new releases through warner. they will be as good as it gets....
Ditto on the Classic releases. Except for #4 (Zoso) all are very good sounding. My #4 is a bit noisy.
#4 is a bit dry and always was, even on the original release from 1971. It's one case where (perish the thought) the remastered CD actually sounds a bit better (oh the horror).