Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made?

I have been a Zu fan for a long time starting with the presence and moving to Definition 3 then to Definition 4.

In my opinion if you like Americana, Rock music
Blues or Bluegrass, then these speakers with the right electronics and room, I really feel like the room matters as much as components.

these speakers lack nothing in my opinion you have great soundstage as well as intimacy and realistic bass.

i have tried a lot of different amps and preamps
But for me as Cobra from this site.  suggested a good 845 amp is a match made in audio heaven!

I'm using a Jhango passive and my 845 is a Larry Moore Monaco with some upgraded parts

Lampizator Dac and transport thru a MacBook Pro with Tidal and it’s simply amazing!!

for vinyl I have a modded table from George Merrill of Memphis Tn, great guy by the way.

and my phono pre is Heed quasar , nothing crazy expensive and I would put it up against anything I have had the pleasure to listen to.

my point is Zu makes a fantastic speaker on top of amazing customer service. But with the right gear they can sound as good as it gets.

i know that’s a bold statement but these speakers are so immediate and life like without any limitations that I can hear but it’s just my opinion.

Check them out for yourself, you may feel the same way.

I have Zu Def 4s and like them a lot. I visit Zu rooms (ie, at last weekend's CAF) both to say hello to Sean and his colleagues (who are invariably customer friendly) as well as to collect "new music" - or at least music that is new to me. It is a terrible way to evaluate most equipment. It is a great way to collect new music. And I am one of the old white guys rapidly approaching 70 (although I do not hobble) . . . 
That's awesome!  I get a ton of new music from them every time I visit their room as well.  My last post was a tad militant, sorry about the attack on age, but I get so frustrated when people hate a company with no cause that is doing so much good for the industry.  I've also witnessed a lot of older gentlemen say a lot of nasty/rude things to the Zu crew because they didn't like their music.  My wife and I are hoping to upgrade to the Defs soon or possibly the Experience when they come out.   
Of course, I didn't meant to imply otherwise.  But, let's be honest, the industry is catering to older people who already have the money to spend on very expensive systems.  They are doing nothing to foster relationships and bring new, young people into the lifestyle.  I have walked into every stereo shop in my area and been treated like a second rate citizen because I'm young, and I don't dress to impress the salesmen.  The industry is missing out on a huge opportunity with the revival of vinyl in younger circles.  HiFi shops and exhibitors should be falling over themselves to talk to young people that visit them, not shun them for not having $100K to spend on their first set up.     

You hit the nail on the head when you said that Sean and his colleagues are, "invariably customer friendly."  They will talk shop with anyone and that is why it is so maddening to see how they are treated at times (not all the time).  They are the nicest, most approachable people in the industry.  I am very appreciative of companies and reviewers who put information on Youtube.  I used to walk up to them at shows and thank them for their work and information.  Not a single time did they look me in the eye and engage me in conversation or give me more than a one word reply.  Trying to engage the AV showrooms crew was the worst experience I've had since entering the hobby.

Back to the OP's original post.  I have never had the pleasure of hearing the Defs, but I have a good friend (that is twice my age) who has the new Druid Mk VIs and they are the best speakers I have ever heard.  They were good at RMAF, but in his home, they are mind blowing.  They are a completely different speaker than the Druid Vs and there is very good justification for the big jump in price. 

One point that was brought up earlier in the thread is that people don't like how Zu's product sounds with the amps they are paired with at shows.  I can tell you, that when you pair their speakers with the proper gear, you will be greatly rewarded.

My wife and I researched and listened to every option in our price range and not a single thing came close to the realism, sound stage, clarity, or emotion that our speakers produced.  Ignore the haters, most of them are shops or salesmen who don't like when a company sells direct and produces a significantly better product for a fraction of the price.  

Have you ever visited DejaVu Audio in the Washington DC area? Most of the staff are young and approachable. It is my favorite audio store. 

Sean delivered and set up my Def 4s personally. I have not moved them from where he positioned them. And if you call ZuAudio, a real person answers the phone, is helpful, etc.