Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

The key is that the main driver (90%?? of the music) is connected directly to the amp. No crossover to muck things up.
Is this why Radio Shack sold alot of "super tweeters" in the 70's? For people who older single driver speakers?
I am driving my Lore with onix sp3 and my sources are Clearaudio concept TT and the amazing 16bit consonance cd 120 linear..I am looking for your recommendations for a new amp that can top the onix and match the Lore very well..I few speaker cables(ZU WAX,DH LABS Q10 & T14,Kimber 4tc & 8tc)for some reason the anti cable sound the best with the Tekton. I know Zmanastronomy make a similar cable and i will place an order to try them pretty soon