Room reinforcement happens in every room. But pushing your speakers closer to the front wall and corners are a compromise. Every wall is a support for bass. But you give up quality to get quantity in doing so.
Bloated bass and you loose the depth of your soundstage.
Thier are serious listeners and cassual listaeners.
A casual listener normaly has his system in the livingroom with a home theater right in the middle of his speakers.
With the furniture placed here and there.
For them, the pushing a speaker back to get bass is ok and works fine.
The serious listener usually has a music room devoted to his system. With room treatments and minimum furniture.
Laser towing and to the inth measuring to get everything as good as possible.
For this person, pushing the speaker closer to the wall is just not an option. He wants the purity of the speaker and will sacrifice bass for it.
Now, if that person wants more bass, the sub-woofer is the answer.
The right sub-woofer I might add.
For some reason their are a lot of people that look down thier nose at a sub-woofer. In fact, they might think thier better than the person that uses a sub because he can push his speaker closer to the wall and not have to use a sub.
The fact is, a sub-woofer is a fantastic tool. It allows me complete control over my bass and I keep the clean bass and deep soundstage that is very important to me.
I am a no comprimise listener that would rather use a tool than to comprimise quality.
The Lore done a lot of things right, but once you've had 20hz clean bass response, the pushing the speaker to the wall just wont do.
This is my rant.
Bloated bass and you loose the depth of your soundstage.
Thier are serious listeners and cassual listaeners.
A casual listener normaly has his system in the livingroom with a home theater right in the middle of his speakers.
With the furniture placed here and there.
For them, the pushing a speaker back to get bass is ok and works fine.
The serious listener usually has a music room devoted to his system. With room treatments and minimum furniture.
Laser towing and to the inth measuring to get everything as good as possible.
For this person, pushing the speaker closer to the wall is just not an option. He wants the purity of the speaker and will sacrifice bass for it.
Now, if that person wants more bass, the sub-woofer is the answer.
The right sub-woofer I might add.
For some reason their are a lot of people that look down thier nose at a sub-woofer. In fact, they might think thier better than the person that uses a sub because he can push his speaker closer to the wall and not have to use a sub.
The fact is, a sub-woofer is a fantastic tool. It allows me complete control over my bass and I keep the clean bass and deep soundstage that is very important to me.
I am a no comprimise listener that would rather use a tool than to comprimise quality.
The Lore done a lot of things right, but once you've had 20hz clean bass response, the pushing the speaker to the wall just wont do.
This is my rant.