ZU OMEN speakers 12ohms??

I am looking into the Omen speakers , but the 12 ohms impediance is throwing me off. I have a ss amp 100 watts , 8 ohms and a tube amp 35 watts with 4,8,or 16 ohms . Whats the best way to go ,and how does the 12 ohm figure into this?
I realize my experience is with the Essences so it might not apply exactly to the Omen. However, the both share the same 10 inch wideband driver. Compared to the 4 ohm tap, the 8 ohm tap delivers a crisper, faster, more open presentation. Until my speakers settled in a bit, I felt it was a bit too "in your face." So I tried the 4 ohm tap and found it smoothed things out a bit. The down side was the 4 ohm tap made things a bit too polite. Not offensive in any way and some listeners might prefer it over the 8. I thought the highs were rolled off a bit and the overall presentation lacked some air. A good demo would be Black Prarie's "Red Rocking Chair." In the end I think it's a very subjective call. Use the tap that produces the results you like the most.
>>01-10-11: Jamich
However, they both share the same 10 inch wideband driver<<


Essence and Omen use different 10" drivers.
I have the Omen Defs and they are night and day different from the Essence that I just sold yesterday after over a year in my system and my girlfriend, audiophile and non audiophile friends all agreed that they are a step up for my listening space (bright,reflective surfaces everywhere).

The Omen Defs have a much larger soundstage, a very large sweet spot, and have the palpable feeling of being at the concert....everyone that has heard them has commented on the fact that it sounds like the band is playing "just over there". They are not the ultimate in imaging or soundstage accuracy, but for someone like me, who prefers musicality, and a live sound, these are a great bargain at the Black Friday pricing for sure.

The break in has been a slow and at times painful process, but I have preferred the Omen Defs over the Essence from the moment I took them out of the box.

I have found great improvement from small positioning changes, to raising them off of the floor using bolts to improve the porting, to the Majik Buss that i just added.

Overall, I am very happy with these speakers and I have found that they excel with Jazz, Acoustic, and even electronica.....
I don't care what amp you use the Omen's are excellent speakers.They arrived the end of November I broke them in with a tubes and ran them all day everyday for 5 weeks then switched over to a Musical Fidelity A-5 proving that there's nothing like headroom. Yes these speakers play loud or soft. I might consider and upgrade to the Super Fly or Omen Def if someone can prove to me that it's justified.

Really clever marketing on Zu's part to offer them at $999.00 with a no questions asked return policy. Although Music Direct here in Chicago sells them for $999.00 regular price! So anyone considering a purchase should buy from MD not Zu and save $500.00 bucks and the return policy is still in place.