Which Universal Remote?

Between two audio systems, three TV's and a desktop radio I have about 16 remotes. Which universal remote are you using or which one do you recommend?

Are they worth the trouble when considering compatability issues?

Thanks for your help.
Logitech Harmony 510 ... and an 880

I have an 880 and I like the features but I'm not all that wild about the feel in my hand and the buttons are hard to hit with one hand. The 510 I use in my two channel room and it controls a Modwright SWL 9.0 pre, Wadia 23 CDP, Sony NS9100ES SACD, Levinson 360S DAC and even my Velodyne DD-10 sub. I didnt need to do anything but connect it to the Internet and run through wizards to get it set up. Talk about simple ... it took maybe 15 minutes and the programs are stored on-line just in case it dies. The buttons on the 510 are raised and Play, Pause, Skip and Stop are right where they need to be as well as volume up and volume down. The 880 will control many more components and the list of supported products is beyond what you can imagine. It will learn anything else. The macros are FANTASTIC ... you control what turns on - in what order what sources are selected and other than not being instantaineous the macros are idiot-proof. Mine are set to :

Watch TV,
Play Movie,
Surf PC,
Play X-Box
and soon to come - watch BluRay.

One button; everything turns on and you go. My girlfriend can handle it and that is enough said. The one thing I would consider if I had it to do over is an RF unit for better reception and if you control equipment from other rooms.
I agree with all the above, I have had Harmony remotes for years now and still run four of them in my home (659/880/890x2)

They handle anything, and if they can't, they can learn to, the Harmony support is AMAZING if you need it, the only thing they lack is the ability to control things via RS 232, which I have been asking for for years to no avail....

Harmony has a $99 deal right now - through 1/7 - on 'dented box' Harmony 880 remotes if you apply this code during the checkout process, logi_h880_1110

Looks as if the regular retail price is $249, the site claims the remote itself is new and fully warranted and shipping is free.
I had the 880 and just replaced it with a Harmony One because the screen on my 880 was dying. I like the One much better. Feels great in your hand, the screen is much easier to read, the buttons are better and more logically laid out, etc. As others have said, the Harmony's are easy to set up and work great with their web based setup. When I bought the One, I just had to log into my Harmony account and go through the "replace remote" process and my new remote was working in no time.