Are you ever satisfied?

My 17 year old son was watching me work on my stereo the other day and asking me questions (much to my liking btw) about the turntable and some tweaks and stuff. After a while he asked "Do you think you'll ever be satisfied?" I did not have to think about my reply at all as I already knew the answer to that. I said "I AM already satisfied. I love the way my stereo sounds and if I could never do another thing to upgrade it I could listen happily the rest of my life. But I do enjoy tweaking it, working on it, and finding ways to improve the sound."

How about you?
I'm down with Jax2's reply. Maybe it's because, like Marco, I'll also turn half a century soon (in June), and I also find tweaking losing it's luster. I'm happier just listening's too short.

"Life is that which ever must surpass itself". Remember, never being satisfied was what saved Faust in Goethe's version of the story. If it true then the devil won't get me either.
To be totally satisfied is to be dead. But then again, fear of death is the ultimate sign of an immature mind. In other words, it ain't all about the journey -- the endless tweaking and equipment changing that sometimes even results in an upgrade in sound quality. Sometimes you have to know when to stop and "smell the roses" and just enjoy what you got.

Most of the time I'm satisfied.