What of your CD's have good sonics?

I have been amazed at the number of CD's are so bad I can't bare to listen to them on my system. It seems like over half are difficult to listen to. Vinyl seems about the same. I have been buying some classic rock albums from a local used record store and am surprised at how many of them sound bad. Most of the jazz albums I buy are usually quite good. How is it with you guys?
I second the U2's " War" as unbearable. Yesterday I started listening to the CD and could not believe how poor the SQ was. I injured my shoulder reaching for the mute.
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I bought a Police L.P. a few weeks ago and it sounded so shrill and thin that I'm not sure I can stand to listen to it again. I found a Mark O'conner CD, "Nashville Cats", And it was so thin I couldnt even listen to it and I thought that it would be good since most of Marks stuff is excellent.

Photon46, I am not literate enough in this language to be too specific, but if it sounds too thin I dont enjoy it. The exception being late at night when the women want to dance! I quit listening to the AM in the car years ago because it was not pleasurable to me. I think I'm sensitive to too mush treble but I have to have the detail which seems to be a contradiction. That's why I wanted to find out how others fared. I guess I need someone else to listen to my system to see if they hear the same thing.
Elizabeth, you make a good point and you describe a trap I want no part of.
I will still listen to the U2 War recording in the car, on headphones at the gym, out in the patio etc. Not all of the music I listen to on my main system has to be top notch recordings. But this was bad, real bad. I could probably put it on as background music if I was in another room, and just be very careful about walking into the living room so I don't injure myself again.