
Hello, It has been a long time since I've been on the forum but I finally tried something new with one of my old tweaks and it worked out great. I had my Walker Audio Silver Treatment laying around and applied it to my tubes. I have a Quicksilver preamp and a set of Mini Mono power amps. I hit the tubes with the Caig spray then put the silver treatment on, the power tubes first. It was a huge difference, richer and way more detail and I have cheap power tubes at the moment, JJs... I put the treatment on all tubes and my system sounds just amazing for what it is. Just wanted to pass this along, I've used the treatment on other parts of the system, connectors and power cords but this has to be its best application ( TUBES ) for me at least.
How sparingly is sparingly? If this error is made by so many well meaning and I expect fairly cautious dedicated audiophiles then there may be a problem with the product itself. It is marketed to to audiophile audience with explicit instructions, yet there are a significant number of failures. I think it is appropriate to ask whether this product is safe or needs some modification. I assure you if any widely distributed medication had this many reports of problems we would not assume the patients were the problem.
There has also been discussion on Audio Asylum about these treatments drying out over time and losing there effectiveness. The problem then becomes how to clean it out of the tube sockets, RCA connectors, AC plugs, etc.

Smaller and closer maybe, but smaller and closer with say 400-500 volts? What happens to the gunk driven into those little connectors?

As Mechans sain, how do you clean it out? Pipe cleaners just just spread it about. Solvent sprays the same. It is a conductive substance. Even if it doesn't cause a hard short, it can increase leakage across the sockets effecting sonics. It is specifically not intended for this use. My tube dealer shakes his head at the thought. He has been around for 25 years and has undoubtedly seen more than you could ever have in this regard.

If it were a one time thing, maybe. But it needs to be reapplied every 6mths or so and seems too risky or difficult. One would be better of polishing the pins for starters. Take a look at miniature 9 pin tube. They are usually blueish from the heat in manufacture. That is scale, and less conductive than a clean pin. One of the most common issues with tube gear is worn tube sockets. People attempt to cram a tube with bent pins into the sockets, subsequently enlarging them. That leads intermittent opens and noisy gear.

If you must, you would be better off with Stabilant 22, it is a better contact enhancer in the first place. Even that stuff may have issues high voltage though. It doesn't dry out and is used in the communications, IT and military industries.
I did apply just a tiny tiny amount, I never touched the tubes before being afraid of blowing up my system, but after reading the instructions I gave it a shot and loved the end result, as for now... I hope nothing bad happens in the future, I will update if there is an issue.
4est- Regardless of how long your tube dealer has been around(I've been in the electronics business,in one capacity or another, since 1975- SORRY about your erroneous assumption), the product in question hasn't been around NEARLY that long. NO, NOT 4-500 Volts. The connectors I was referring to are IC pins/sockets and data type ribbon connections. ie: My TacT RCS 2.2aaa is FULL of them, and they've all been treated(5.10v, btw). These types of connections also occur in electronic musical instruments, and automotive/motorcyle components, the function of which I have also found to benefit from these products. REMOVAL? There are NUMEROUS sprays that can be used to completely remove these conductive, silver bearing pastes and which leave NO RESIDUE, AT ALL(ie:! I've been cleaning/flushing crap(including the conductive varieties) out of electronic gear(of ALL types) for almost four decades, without incident. AGAIN, the rule: ATTENTION TO DETAIL! If you are afraid- DON'T use the stuff(simple)! I was answering the thread originator's question, based on experience with my own, and numerous others', equipment. What's the ratio of those that have used these products and botched it, to those that have used them successfully? You tell me! But- I'm certain those that have failed, have made the MOST NOISE!