NAIM Alternatives-from people who have switched.

I would really like to hear from some people that have swithced from NAIM (you poor sod you!) to something else and are happy with the switch and what worked.
I am currently using a Naim 52/250 combo and while I am happy with the sound overall, for reasons I won't go into other than to say I need a better shielded combo so I can enjoy my analog gear more than I do now.
Dealers near me have Ayre, CJ, Sim Audio, and Plinius. I have not heard any of these so I cannot say if I like them or they will work for me.
Any good alternatives?
A while back I read a review in HiFi+(GB) from a Naim devotee who replaced his
power amp with a new amp under the Dynavetor name. Dynavector is known for cartridges so this was a surprise to me. This new design as I recall is by the guy responsible for the classic Bedini 25/25. Dont know if its available in the US, but it got high marks from a real Naim fan.
Thanks to all who responded. I have been hearing alot of good things regarding Blue Circle gear. I have no dealer in my area who carries it so I would have to take a chance.
Regarding BS. If no dealer exists in your area, They will sell direct to you. At least that was the case this fall.
When I sold my Well Tempered Record Player, the customer came for pick up, he didn't leave my living room for five hours, booked a hotel for overnight and returned the next day. He told me, he never heard anything like this, he couldn't sleep, it was the best he ever listened to. He told me, he has the full Naim line, everything from them and only their best, and full equipped Linn LP12 and he will sell ALL at once. He can't enjoy it anymore.
He sold all in 2 weeks, even his Naim 01 Tuner, he wasn't even interested in the price.
My system at that time was nothing extreme, in my opinion, Well Tempered Super, 2 Klyne preamps and 2 monoblocks from Jeff Rowland with a Speaker from Reference 3A and XLO cables.
He is happy now with his new line.

I sold my SBLs and bought Dunlavy SC2avs...massive improvement. Sound better, easier to set up, look better...

I just sold my 52/Supercap/250 and will get the Magnum Dynalab receiver.

Tired of the edgy analytical Naim sounds and am enjoying the warm, clear, powerful sound of North American electronics (at a fraction of the price).