Best of both worlds?

If you used a powered sub (such as a Vandersteen 2Wq w/ an external corssover) along with a tube amp, would you effectively have the "best of both worlds" or would your SS sub amp get too much of a low-end sonic signature from the tube amp.
The sub should be fed from the preamp (not the amp), thus eliminating any sonic signature from the amp (which would probably be minimal).
I believe the Vandersteen 2Wq like the REL ST series, but unlike the Vandersteen V2W is meant to accept a high level signal from the speaker binding posts of your power amp.

I'm not sure what you mean by best of both worlds though.

He means the midrange of the tube amp (which is powering the main speakers), and the bass slam of an SS amp (since the subs are self-powered SS).