Ever gone from seperates to an integrated?

I'm currently running seperates (Rogue m66/m88) which have a used value of about 2k$
and for my next upgrade I'm wondering if I should hop aboard the integrated train.
The idea of less interconnects and powercords appeals to me not to mention less isolation devices.

Does anyone have thoughts on this?
Would be interested in knowing what people would consider a "worthwhile" upgrade in the 3-3.5k used price range as an integrated (just need a volume remote! and HT pass through would be nice!)

Happy listening!
I too, will never back to separates...I am using a Plinius 8150, but it still wouldnt matter...
There are some integrated that perform better than alot of seperates. I owned the BAT 300x integrated $6,000 new and it was great. Still I knew that BAT and all other brands that made both seperates and integrated the seperates. I sold the BAT and now have all tube seperates. I will say that I did enjoy the integrated.
I went from CJ Premier 12's and LS17 to integrated. Tried several solid state integrated, now the Cary SLI-80. I think I'm settling in on this, or perhaps an SET integrated, but it's definitely missing something compared to my separates system. You can get WONDERFUL sound from integrateds, no question, but it might never be the equal of a good separates system.
Let's not forget that going to an integrated doesn't mean taking a loss in power, always. The best example is the Musical Fidelity Tri Vista.